Quality in water sports
– for over 35 years –
Janssen Maritimes – for over 35 years a byword for quality in water sports – offers a wide range of water sports and boat accessories, inflatable boats, work boats, outboard motors, boat technology, electronics, service and much more.
We hope you enjoy browsing our site and look forward to your visit to our premises, your call or your email...
Your Janssen Maritimes crew

Wir sind Vertragshändler von SUZUKI MARINE und YAMAHA MARINE und führen ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Boots- und Yachtzubehör, Booten und Außenbordern und technischer Ausrüstung. Schauen Sie sich gerne in unserem Shop um.
We are authorised dealers of SUZUKI MARINE and YAMAHA MARINE and stock an extensive range of boat and yacht accessories, boats and outboards and technical equipment. Take a look around our shop.